How do I find my Timesheets/ Payments in my Vyce profile?
Did you know that you can see your timesheets plus all payments being made or have been made. Please log in to your Vyce profile and select the menu button (three stripes) on the top left of the screen and select either “Timesheets” for a breakdown of your previous payments on payments being processed. Or Select “Payments” for a payment history and your confirmation of payment slips.

How do I log into my Vyce profile?
To log into your Vyce profile please use this link www.work.vyce.io/#/auth/login using your email address and password you sent up when registering

How do I change my bank details?
To update your bank details on your account please log into the portal using this link www.work.vyce.io/#/auth/login Enter your email and password used to register your account and click enter, this will take you to your profile home page. Click on the ‘BANK DETAILS’ tab at the top of the page and update and save. (Please note that we can not update your bank details over the phone. We would need this in writing and sent using the email address used to register your account Quoting your Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number. Please send any queries regarding this to hello@vyce.io)
How do I get paid as a CIS Contractor by Vyce?
We invoice and collect monies due from your agency or employer and pay you based on the income we receive from your agency or employer less a small weekly margin. We also deduct the appropriate tax (normally 20% deducted) and pay the money into your bank account to credit every Friday.
When will I get paid?
At Vyce we pay our contractors after receiving allocated funds. We run our payroll system every Thursday/Friday and pay your salary into your bank account by same-day transfer so your money is with you within 24 hours. We will send you a text message on Friday morning to confirm the payment has been paid. Alternatively, you can choose to be paid on the same day each month. Your bank account will need to be able to accept Faster Payments. To enquire about your payments please call Vyce customer service on 020 3868 6303
How do I apply for a Unique Tax Reference number?
If you’ve just started in construction and would like to be self-employed you can apply for a UTR number (Unique Tax Reference Number) directly with HMRC Please use this link: www.gov.uk/what-you-must-do-as-a-cis-subcontractor
How do I obtain a share code?
A 'Share Code' is a unique 9-character alpha-numeric code generated upon completion of an application. The government recently introduced Share Codes to allow potential employees to enter their details online. Employers can then view an individual's 'right to work' status via the government website. A share code is usually valid for 30 days and is made of 9 alphanumeric characters like 9XY-6GY-2S2. To create a 'share code' a migrant worker will need: Details of the identity document you use to sign in to your UKVI account (your passport, national identity card, or biometric residence card or permit) your date of birth Access to the mobile number or email address you use to sign in to your UKVI account - you’ll be sent a code for logging in Please click on the link below to obtain your share code.. https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status
How do I register as a Vyce Connect payroll employee?
To register your CIS payroll details, please complete the form below: Please click this link to register as a Construction industry scheme worker (CIS) Link coming soon... To register your PAYE Umbrella payroll details, please complete the form below: Please click this link to register as a PAYE Umbrella worker: Link coming soon......
How does IR35 affect me?
As an employee of Vyce Connect you are outside the IR35 regulations and therefore it is irrelevant to you. IR35 only applies to those running their own limited company, sometimes referred to as a personal service company. The legislation stops workers from paying themselves dividends when they are deemed to be an employee. HMRC carry out audits and investigations to ensure IR35 is complied with correctly by those running their own limited company.
Can you employ me if my assignment is outside of the UK?
Yes, however, you may not work overseas for more than 182 days in any calendar year or work in any country where the Foreign Office recommends against travel. Please speak to your Welcome Team Adviser or Employee Support Officer before accepting any assignment overseas. Please note, if you are planning to travel to the USA or Canada additional insurance may be required.
What do CIS contractors need?
Getting Started With CIS All CIS contractors & sub-contractors are required to register with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). What do CIS contractors need? To be paid by Vyce Pay CIS you have to initially be registered as self-employed with HMRC. To apply register you need: To be Self-Employed and registered with HMRC Be part of the CIS Scheme (registered with HMRC) A National Insurance Number A Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR)
End of year tax documents
If you have income from self-employment, you are required by law to file an Income Tax Return with HM Revenue & Customs on or before 31 January each year. The total amount of tax due is calculated after you claim your expenses and allowances. The “on account” tax payments (normally 20%) you make each week are set off against the amount of tax due.
Being paid as a CIS Contractor
We invoice and collect monies due from your agency or employer and pay you on based on the income we receive from your agency or employer less a small weekly margin. We also deduct the appropriate tax (normally 20% deducted) and pay the money into your bank account to credit every Friday.
Why am I being charged 30% tax?
Why am I being charged 30% tax? If 30% tax is deducted from your pay, this means either that you haven't given us a correct Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR) or National Insurance number, or that HMRC couldn't find your Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR) on its list of registered subcontractors. In either case you should contact HMRC and make sure that you are correctly registered as self-employed and as a CIS subcontractor. Please call the CIS helpline on the number below to register your UTR. HMRC - Register your Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR) number for the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) 0300 2003210
Contact Vyce...
If you'd like to contact one of the team here at Vyce, you can reach us by phone on 0203 868 6303 or send us a message and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Will I be charged during my free trial?
No. During your 14 day free trial you will not be charged. To activate your free 14 day trial you will need to provide valid card payment details but no payment will be taken. You will only be charged for any users after your trial has ended. You can cancel your subscription at any time during or after your trial period. Once you have cancelled your subscription, you will still be able to access your Vyce modules however you will not be able to add any new users. You can re-subscribe at any time to re-activate your Vyce modules.
Do you charge for workers hired through Vyce?
No. Vyce's Hiring module is free for anyone to use. Companies looking to hire quality, relevant professionals near their jobs can promote their jobs for free and they'll be instantly matched to relevant candidates. Workers looking for jobs can create a free professional profile and apply to relevant jobs near them. Vyce does not charge for any job posting or any fee for appointments. Enjoy!
I forgot my password...
If you have forgotten your password click on the ‘Forgot password?’ on the Log in screen then... 1. Follow the instructions on screen 2. You will be asked to confirm your email address 3. We will send you an email 4. Open the email and click on the link to reset your password 5. Follow the instructions on the screen to reset your password Bingo! You will be able to log back into your account.

How do I edit my profile?
You can edit your profile by clicking on 'My Profile' in the menu in your account. Then click on the 'Edit' pencil icon on the top right hand side of your profile to edit any of your information. Remember to save any changes you make.
How do I delete my account?
We would be sad to see you go, but if you want to leave Vyce, please send us a message to let us know and we will delete your account.
When will I be billed?
Once you have activated your subscription and your free 14 day trial has ended, you'll be billed on the 1st of the following month for the previous months usage. The card that you used to subscribe will be charged.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you decide to cancel your subscription, you can do so in the 'Subscription & Billing' tab in your account. Simply click the 'Cancel Subscription' and follow the instructions. Your account will remain active until the end of the calendar month however you will not be able to add any new users to any of your Vyce modules. Your final payment will be made on the 1st of the following month and you will no longer have access to the Vyce modules. You can reactivate your company data at any time by re-subscribing.
Can I try it out before I have to pay?
Yes, absolutely. We think you'll love what Vyce does for your business so you can try out all Vyce modules for free for 14 days.
How does Time & Attendance work?
Companies can track the time their team are working using Vyce's Time & Attendance module. Once set up, a company's team members can 'clock-in' and 'clock-out' using the Vyce Time app. Vyce uses facial recognition technology to identify and verify a team member and use geolocation technology to identify and validate the location of the team member when they clock-in and clock-out. Company's can see who's clocked-in in real time and get weekly timesheets summarising hours for approval. It's free to set up and is a hardware free, easy to use solution for any business.
How much is Vyce?
It's absolutely free to create an account on Vyce. You'll only be charged once you activate a module and onboard team members. Each module has a price per user per month... Hiring - £Free Teams - £2.50 per user per month + VAT Projects - £2.50 per user per month + VAT Time & Attendance - £2.50 per user per month + VAT Payroll (Self Serve) - £2.50 per payment + VAT Payroll (Outsourced) - From £15 per payment + VAT (includes insurance)
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